See clearly even in the rain with wiper blade replacement. If yours are starting to suffer, stop into our service center for help.

See clearly even in the rain with wiper blade replacement. If yours are starting to suffer, stop into our service center for help.
Your vehicle's wiper blades should leave your windshield clean and streak-free. Yet, like most parts of your vehicle, they will wear out over time. The oxidation and damage from the sun and other weather elements can leave them stiff and brittle, so they can’t clean your windshield well. When you start to notice that your windshield wipers aren’t removing the water or are leaving streaks, bring it to us for wiper blade replacement.
Replacing your wiper blades is a fairly easy and affordable maintenance task, but it is one that’s easy to overlook. However, working wipers is essential to your safety on the road, because you must be able ot see when the weather changes. Having a mechanic take care of this maintenance need for you will ensure it’s done right.
You should inspect your wiper blades regularly. When you notice the rubber becoming stiff and brittle, then it’s time to have them replaced. Typically, the wear and tear on your wipers will cause streaks and blurry spots on your windshield when you turn the wipers on. If they aren’t clearing the water well and leaving you with good visibility, then it’s time to replace them.
Our service center can help. Stop in today to have our mechanics look at your wiper blades and evaluate them for signs that they need replacement. If it’s time for replacement, we offer many different sizes and styles to ensure a perfect fit. Let our mechanics team replace them for you. Take to the road with confidence, knowing you will have clear visibility if a sudden storm develops with new wiper blades from our mechanics shop.